Tuesday, August 11, 2024

Classical 8th Grade Outline

Eight grade can be a hard year to plan. Many students are ready for high school level work by this age, while others need a little more time to prepare. As homeschoolers we have the ability to gauge our children's needs and mold their school to fit the child. Personally, our daughter is ready for high school level work, yet we do not think she is quite mature enough for everything being a high school student entails. Plus we have the added complication of Amber's chronic illness, which can throw a wrench in her learning at any point. 

Unexpected Homeschool: Classical 8th Grade Course Outline for earning high school credits

While I've already posted an extremely detailed description of Amber's eighth grade curriculum, this outline focuses more on our plan to earn early high school credits. The majority of Amber's work this eighth grade year could be considered high school level, so we will be documenting all of it for possible credit in the event she has too many illness related setbacks over her actual high school years.

As classical homeschoolers we are emphasizing language arts, foreign language and history.  Ironically, most of the credits Amber will definitely earn this school year are in math and science, even though this is not her expected future area of focus.

Eight Grade Credit Outline

Math - 1 credit  (1 credit also earned in 7th grade)
Life of Fred Advanced Algebra

Laboratory Science - 1 credit
Apologia Physical Science

Foreign Language - 1/2 credit (1/2 credit also earned in 7th grade)
Prima German
We will move to full credits per year starting in 9th grade.

Language Arts -  1 credit possible as English 1 (if enough hours are completed)
Analytical Grammar - Season 2
Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature - Memoria Press
Illuminating Literature: When Worlds Collide - Writing with Sharon Watson
Cover Story

History - 1 credit possible as Early Modern World History (if enough hours are completed)
Tapestry of Grace - Mix of dialectic and Rhetoric (Year 2 - Units 3 & 4)
Home School in the Woods - Time Travelers series

Practical Arts - possibility of up to 1/2 credit
Co-op economics, embroidery, and knitting classes. (Depends greatly on final difficult level of classes.)

Fine Arts - possibility of up to 1/4 credit
Private flute lessons. (Depends on the number of performances; her level is sufficient for credit.)

Religion - possibility of 1/4 elective credit
Answers for Teens - from Answers in Genesis

P.E. / Health - continuous credit earning
Because of the chronic illness, Amber has quite a bit of on-going health training with professionals at levels I would consider adult learning. Diet, exercise, and body function are all included in her training. We are documenting these as part of her health credit.


(Click image for more Blog Hop entires)

For more fun and informative posts, please visit a few other participants in this year's Back to Homeschool Blog Hop.  Today I'll be visiting:

Rebecca @ Raventhreads
Karen @ Tots and Me...Growing Up Together
Rebekah @ There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining
April @ ElCloud Homeschool
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Tara @ This Sweet Life
Tara @ Embark on the Journey
Jennifer @ Chestnut Grove Academy
Annette @ In All You Do
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker


  1. We started our 8th grader on high school work as well. Not for everything, but for what he was ready for. He's starting 9th grade with a full Algebra credit & is starting Geometry, and when I checked in with his Spanish tutor I found out he was most of the way through Spanish 2 already!!

  2. My youngest will be in ninth grade this year. She could have earned some credits in eighth grade (music and art for sure!) but I decided not to put them on the transcript, because she will be earning at least two music credits this year, and probably each high school year. I thought that would look like we were padding the transcript. LOL She's already done some of the coursework for 9th grade Social Studies and English credits, so I'll award the full credit at the end of the ninth grade year. :-)

    I think it's great that you can give her credit for the level of work she's doing - no matter what grade she's in! One of the advantages of homeschooling.

    1. I was concerned about it looking like padding too. But the reality is that unless my daughter is miraculously healed, it will probably take her 5 years to earn the needed high school credits - assuming she doesn't get any worse than she is. We decided to make 8th grade year one of that, instead of two Senior years.

      Thankfully, homeschooling allows for that and she can hopefully graduate with her friends.

  3. It looks like a great plan to me. Good Job!
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. So exciting to be thinking ahead! (We're just beginning)

  5. It looks like a good plan! Thank you for linking up!
