Monday, March 21, 2024

U.S. Government High School Credit

In our state, the public school students are required a semester (or 1/2 credit) of U.S. government instruction. As homeschoolers we have no actual graduation requirements, although many do match the structure of the public school credits. We've decided to also follow the majority of the public school requirements, including the U.S. government course.

U.S. Government High School Credit for homeschoolers

I've spent Amber's middle school years intermittently researching options for a government or civics course. There are numerous and diverse options, but the majority of them felt too textbook-y for us. It's not that we won't use textbooks when they are the best choice, however I felt there had to be a solution which fit Amber's learning style better. 

The optimal course, in my mind, would include a mix of books, videos, and hands-on learning. Yet I couldn't find all of what I wanted in a single prepared course. In the end, we decided to put together a 1/2 credit course for Amber using a variety of resources. 

  • Crash Course - U.S. Government & Politics
  • Khan Academy - American Civics

Hands-on Projects: 

  • Our Living Constitution 

Our list does not invalidate any of the other wonderful government resources I found throughout my investigations. This is simply what we feel will work best for Amber at the moment. It is highly possible we will run across additional resources to happily include in our lessons, especially through our Tapestry of Grace reading selections.


Please visit our Blogging Through the Alphabet hosts to read more interesting A to Z topics!
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm & Meg @ Adventures with Jude 

Unexpected Homeschool: Positive Thinking

1 comment:

  1. We've had our troubles with government courses, too, but Addison has enjoyed her Constitutional Literacy class.


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