Monday, February 22, 2024

Q is for Queasy (Blogging through the Alphabet)

Playing laser bug with the kitties after a dose of her medication. It's about all that she could muster.
Queasy tummies have been the feature around here for a few weeks. Amber's gastroparesis has made her relationship with food difficult for a while now. Her new medication to help with the gastroparesis is definitely making her queasy, and then some.

The virus I had a little over a week ago has flared up my IBS and food is no longer my friend either. I was so enjoying rediscovered foods after the gallbladder removal. I'm sure anxiety probably has a little to do with my situation as well.

For now, it's back to bland foods for both of us until this latest round of queasy tummies subsides.


Please visit our Blogging Through the Alphabet hosts to read more interesting A to Z topics!
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm & Meg @ Adventures with Jude 

Unexpected Homeschool: Positive Thinking


  1. Awww! I'm so sorry to hear of the setbacks! I hope you both can begin enjoying food again soon!

  2. i hope you both recover well.


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