Friday, June 5, 2024

Total Lack of Motivation

This has been our first week of summer break / school. It was definitely more break than school, with even less work being completed than scheduled for our already light summer lessons. You know what? That's all just fine because summer lessons are really just our way to keep boredom away and some structure to our days.

While we did have activity this week, much of our time was spent simply relaxing. I've been freakishly unmotivated; possibly because I know I'll need the energy soon. I did do most of the shopping for our Mayo trip already, so there are non-perishables here for Fred along with everything Amber and I need to take. 

Knot tying with her explorer study, playing American Girl dolls, and lunch.  It's been so cold here, at least for June!

As a family we finished watching Agents of Shield, season 2 and the entire first season of Agent Carter. We're in Marvel withdrawal right now; even poor Amber keeps mentioning she doesn't know what to do without either show. To combat those withdrawal symptoms we've re watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past. I know it sounds like a lot of screen time, but... Ok it was a lot of screen time and I really didn't care. 

We also went to see Tomrrowland on Sunday as a family, and then spent time Tuesday at the movie theater so Amber and a friend could see Tomorrowland. After the movie the girls and I stopped for a late lunch on the way home, where we found out one of our favorite restaurants will soon not have the food Amber can eat for the foreseeable future due to the Avian flu in turkeys. It was a nice time despite the turkey news, and the girls had fun. Of course, Amber was also wiped the rest of that day. The girls made plans for another get-together next week with an additional friend who was sick this week. 

More restaurants - absolute total excitement since a previous Amber-safe restaurant which recently closed has re-opened as a Denny's.  She LOVES breakfast foods.  Then, at First Watch with me for lunch during birthday shopping.
We've been both birthday and Father's Day shopping for Fred this week. Poor Amber can't catch a break on the holidays. My birthday is usually about a week after Mother's Day and Fred's birthday is anywhere from a few days to slightly over a week before Father's Day. We had our present shopping all mapped out along with a few errands, but it stormed on and off all day so we ended up changing all the stores on the fly as Amber quickly deteriorated. However, Amber learned the convenience of the Amazon app. While I was driving between two necessary stores, she purchased one gift through the Amazon app on my phone (with permission) and saved us another stop. 

Today Amber has a friend over to hang out while being more restful than the last few days. I'm working on more paperwork for Mayo, pricing books for a used curriculum sale on Monday, thinking about cleaning, and trying to squeeze in baking. I'd rather be goofing off, but it's not in the cards for me this weekend. 

All the kitties have been especially cuddly this week. And waiting, and waiting for her friend to arrive today. She was rocking vigorously.

As a quick preview, next week I have three reviews coming up of some spectacular learning materials, plus I'm starting a series on planning high school for someone with unique needs like Amber. 

Next Friday I'll be frantically packing for Amber's Mayo trip and praying we can get there without severe thunderstorms along our route. I may not update here again until we get back, but will probably post about our trip on Instagram, assuming I have signal. We'd appreciate prayers for a safe visit and for Fred who's holding down the fort at home. 

Happy Weekend!

Linking With:

Weekly Wrap-Up   photo purpFFBut_zps970d6cbe.png


  1. Praying for a safe trip to the Mayo and that the Doctors have answers for you. I'll add a prayer for Fred. While I like having some alone time, not while one is undergoing medical exams. I know he would want to be there.

  2. Having a restful week sounds just perfect before such a big appointment. We will be praying for you. I look forward to hearing how everything goes.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. I am praying for you girls to have a safe trip up and back and a very successful stay with treatments. Will also pray for Fred and the fur babies at home. I hope all goes the way you anticipate it and that Amber is able to get through this and feel better.
